Welcome to Inverse Finance! We invented a totally new way of borrowing at fixed rates and created this short and simple explainer video for how to borrow DOLA in FiRM!
FiRM is a little different from most lending protocols - you don’t pay interest! Instead you pay for the right to borrow. It’s smarter, less risky, and more convenient than any variable or fixed rate protocol in DeFi today.
But instead of typing out a how-to guide, we’ve created this short explainer video that walks you through the borrowing process including how it works, and then it takes you step-by-step through the borrowing flow. Depositing collateral, borrowing DOLA, and buying DBR can now be done as a single-click transaction which is a nice convenience and reduces gas costs.
Feel free to drop in to the community and ask questions on our Discord server. You can find more detailed information in our docs and here is a link to a more general FiRM & DBR explainer.