This combined proposal addresses two key updates for the PT-sUSDE-27MAR2025 market on FiRM:
When evaluating the integration of PT-sUSDE-27MAR2025 as collateral on FiRM, the RWG and PWG considered two oracle designs for pricing the PT:
Discounted NAV Oracle: Prices PTs dynamically based on time-to-maturity and implied yield (Yield to Maturity - YTM). This provides a more accurate market reflection but introduces additional complexity.
Fixed $1 Oracle: Values PTs at $1, representing their redemption value at maturity. This was chosen for simplicity and reduced risk of manipulation.
The RWG recommended the fixed $1 oracle to simplify risk management. However, with APRs exceeding 25%, the PT price has discounted to approximately $0.94, rendering the 5% liquidation incentive insufficient for profitable liquidations.
The guardian, operating behind an 18-hour timelock, is responsible for enacting the market’s price feed switch under certain conditions, including extreme market scenarios (e.g. switch the price feed to reflect live market data during events such as a USDe depeg). The protocol's agility is maintained through three potential feed options: (1) Primary hardcoded $1 feed, (2) Pre-maturity feed derived from the sUSDe Chainlink USD feed divided by the USDe:sUSDe exchange rate, and (3) Maturity feed derived from the USDe Chainlink USD feed for 1:1 parity with the PT. This structure ensures both stability and responsiveness, safeguarding users and the protocol during critical events.
The original intent was for the Policy Committee multisig (0x4b6c63E6a94ef26E2dF60b89372db2d8e211F1B7) to act as the guardian for the price feed. However, the current implementation hard-codes the guardian as the RWG multisig (0xE3eD95e130ad9E15643f5A5f232a3daE980784cd). This oversight needs correction to align governance structure with the intended multi-party model.
The updated price feed contract has been prepared and is available at 0xc950f9d458661dda5c6aa194d2ec93beb5c55408.
The current issue arises when liquidators attempt to liquidate positions under the fixed $1 oracle while PTs trade at a discount. For example:
Without profitable liquidations, the protocol risks accruing bad debt. Increasing the liquidation incentive to 8% ensures liquidators can profitably execute liquidations even at current APRs. At a PT price of $0.94, an 8% liquidation incentive results in a real incentive of approximately 1.52%, sufficient to attract liquidators.
Importantly, as the PT approaches maturity and its price converges closer to $1, the liquidation incentive can be reviewed and potentially reduced. This proactive adjustment ensures protocol solvency without introducing unfair liquidations.
Redeploying the price feed contract with the Policy Committee multisig as the guardian restores the intended governance structure. The Policy Committee's 4/n multisig configuration ensures robust oversight and proper checks and balances for feed switching. This correction aligns with the original design and stakeholder expectations, improving governance integrity.
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