Forum Post: https://forum.inverse.finance/t/adjust-sdola-auction-and-dsa-parameters/528
sDOLA and the DSA were launched in February 2024 and have collectively returned over $168,000 to holders. Initially, sDOLA TVL growth was slow, taking nearly two months to reach $1M and another four months to achieve $2M. However, stronger PMF (Product-Market Fit) emerged in December 2024, with TVL surging from $1.7M on December 3rd to $8.05M as of today.
sDOLA has demonstrated strong PMF across three key avenues:
Yield Holders
Curve Pools
Lending Markets
sDOLA benefits the DAO by driving DOLA purchases from the open market. This creates equivalent lending capacity, which, when utilized, results in more DBR burn than DBR issuance spent.
Max DBR per DOLA per Year
Max Yearly Reward Budget
The recent influx of sDOLA deposits presents an opportunity to deepen the auction while maintaining profitable arbitrage opportunities for participants. A deeper auction tightens the spread between the auction sell price and the DBR market price, reducing gas cost barriers and increasing sDOLA APY.
Recommended Actions:
Increase dbrReserve to ~300K DBR:
Increase K Value:
While reducing the max DBR per DOLA per year slightly decreases the DSA APR, sDOLA average yield is expected to rise due to the tighter auction spreads achieved through enhanced depth.
These adjustments ensure sDOLA continues scaling effectively while maximizing benefits for the DAO and its stakeholders. By refining key parameters and leveraging recent momentum, this proposal seeks to cement sDOLA position as a leading stablecoin in the ecosystem.
Members allowed to make Drafts can sign the fact that they reviewed the Draft Proposal
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