Forum Link: https://forum.inverse.finance/t/proposal-to-launch-helper-contract-auto-buy-dbr/191
This proposal aims to introduce a helper contract meant to assist FiRM users in buying DBR and selling DBR as a part of the borrowing and repayment transactions, and thus foregoing the need to procure DBR via any external website.
FIRM, the new fixed rate lending market from Inverse Finance, makes use of a new DeFi primitive, DBR, to forego traditional interest rates.There is no interest rate for borrowing DOLA in FiRM. FiRM uses the DBR token to let you lock in a fixed rate.
A FiRM user simply holds DBR in their wallet to service the loan and the DBR balance will decay over time - in proportion to the size of their loan.
DBR must be present in a user’s wallet prior to borrowing DOLA on FiRM. Previously, this required one to purchase DBR on Balancer and/or Uniswap before attempting to open a position, but, assuming this proposal passes, the introduction of the helper contract will allow for the cost of a DBR purchase when taking out a loan to be added to your DOLA debt. The FiRM helper contract is designed to assist users in buying DBR as a part of the borrowing transaction, and will require a one-time transaction approval along with a signature.
The helper contract also allows users to withdraw collateral and sell their DBR in a single transaction when repaying their debt.
Finally, the helper function also contains methods to allow users to interact with FiRM WETH markets, without needing to convert their native Eth first.
On-Chain Actions:
Members allowed to make Drafts can sign the fact that they reviewed the Draft Proposal
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